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Position Of Honorary Secretary

The Honorary Secretary, Artie Rice, indicated at the recent AGM that he would not be seeking re-election. The position is therefore vacant. Those Interested should contact the Honorary Secretary, who will remain in position until a successor is elected, for any furher infomation.






Organises AGM including preparing agenda, receiving reports from Officers.

Send out Affiliation forms to Conveners for following season.


Circulates minutes for March meeting and arrange first Zoom meeting of new season.

After May Executive meeting, arrange for International Selection Committee to meet.

Prior to this, Conveners are emailed asking them to nominate players for the A Series stating their achievements. The British Isles Ladies team and British Isles Main and A Series are selected at this meeting.

The Secretary emails all players both involved in team and individual events informing them of their selection, cost of trip and any practice nights arranged by Team Manager. Players are asked to complete forms for hotel and shirts & jackets and to complete Players Code of Conduct. The Secretary organizes travel and accommodation for Officers and players based on returns.


Receives forms from players regarding Internationals. Orders shirt and jackets from supplier based on returns.

Received forms from Zone Conveners re Year Book. Liaises with Competitions Secretary and Umpires Association for Year Book information, Checks with Conveners to verify information is correct. Liaises with printer throughout the process.


Circulates minutes of May meeting and agenda for August face-to-face meeting in Shaws Bridge. Distributes Year Books at August meeting.


Towards the end of month circulates minutes of August meeting and agenda for October’s Zoom Executive Meeting. Distributes shirts and jackets to Ladies.


Attend British Isles Ladies Championships on second weekend. Attend British Isles Council meeting. Each country has 2 delegates (Secretary and Chair). Ireland will host the Ladies Championships in October 2025. The secretary will look after most of the arrangements.


Distributes shirts and jackets to players in British Isles series. Attend the British Isles Championships. Circulates minutes of October meeting and agenda for November’s Zoom Executive Meeting which takes place the Thursday after the British Isles Championships. Ireland will host the British Isles Championships in November 2026.


Circulates minutes of November meeting and agenda for January’s Zoom Executive Meeting.


Circulates minutes of January meeting and agenda for February’s face-to-face Executive Meeting.


Circulates minutes of February meeting and agenda for March’s Zoom Executive Meeting.

Note that World Bowls is every other year. As per British Isles Championships, Secretary will organize travel and accommodation starting after the results of Champion of Champions normally in October. World Bowls will take place in Norway - March 2026 & Canada - March 2028.


Throughout the season

The Secretary

·         provides a pivotal point of contact for administration, information, and communication. Deals with all correspondence, queries and communications and directs them if necessary to another Officer.

·         organizes all meetings, prepares agendas, and takes minutes.

·         Attends all competitions as a member of the Competitions Committee.

Any queries contact Honorary Secretary, Artie Rice


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